
Showing posts from September, 2017

Essential Oils That Are Good For Your Epilepsy/Seizures

If you don't know it by now I have Epilepsy.  I also use essential oils. I have done some research to make sure that I don't use the wrong essential oils that can possibly cause me to have a seizure but also I have looked for essential oils that can help with my seizures.  Now I am not saying these essential oils you can take in place of medication no that would be dangerous! You should always take your seizure medication and follow your doctors orders. What I am saying is that through my experience these essential oils have helped me either stop a seizure from coming on (in stressful situations and lack of sleep situations).  Here is a list of essential oils that you can use to help with seizures (along with your regular seizure medication, of  course). Frankincense - I put this one diluted on my big toe when I feel a seizure coming on, have had extra stress and have a stress headache, or haven't had enough sleep and I feel the effects right away (I always dilu...

Essential Oils to Avoid if you are Eplipetic

When it comes to my health I don't play around.  That's why I started using essential oils. When I first started using essential oils, one of the things I researched was were there any essential oils that were going to effect my epilepsy.  I came across a lot of different articles and eventually bought the Essential Oils Desk Reference.  I am always cautious though when it comes to seizures so I found more oils on the internet than what was published in the Essential Oils Desk Reference.  If an oil is in one of my favorite blends such as Thieves, I use it sparingly (I would only do this if your seizures are completely under control but I am not a medical professional so I would ask your doctor first). Oils to Avoid If You Have Epilpesy Borage Camphor Eucalyptus Globus Foeniclum Vulgare - Fennel* Oenothera Blennis - Evening Primrose  Hyssopus Officinalis - Hyssop* Mentha Pulegium - Pennyroyal Rosmarinus Offiniclis - Rosemary Salvia Offoinalis - Sage...